Milicia Keijzer

Squad number

Follow Volg Milicia
Milicia Keijzer

Players statistics

Goal attempts conversion

0% Goal attempts conversion

Defensive head-to-heads won

65% Defensive head-to-heads won

Offensive head-to-heads won

20% Offensive head-to-heads won

Arrived passings

82% Arrived passings

Player statistics

About Volg Milicia

Position Defender
Nationality Nederlandse
Born 1/1/2003
Length cm
Played games 11
In starting lineup 10
Brought on 1
Taken off 0
Under contract since

News items


Report | BIF All Stars - Ajax Legends

Countless legends, six goals and many smiling faces were visible during the match between the BIF All Stars and the Ajax Legends. It was a night full of winners at the Olympic Stadium. "To all come together tonight is a good occasion to show how important football is."


  • #AjaxLegends


Volg Milicia's Teammates