Lois Niënhuis

Lois Niënhuis joined Ajax Women in the summer of 2023, coming from FC Twente Vrouwen. She signed a one-season contract in Amsterdam. Born on February 4, 2001, in Winterswijk, Niënhuis played for FC Twente Vrouwen for eleven years.

Squad number

Follow Lois
Lois Niënhuis

Players statistics

Goal attempts conversion

0% Goal attempts conversion

Defensive head-to-heads won

0% Defensive head-to-heads won

Offensive head-to-heads won

0% Offensive head-to-heads won

Arrived passings

0% Arrived passings

Player statistics

About Lois

Position Goalkeeper
Nationality Netherlands
Born 2/4/2001
Length cm
Played games 1
In starting lineup 1
Brought on 0
Taken off 0
Under contract since

News items

Lois's Teammates