Isa Kardinaal

Isa is born in Amsterdam and played for FC Buitenveldert. On November 21, 2021, the defender made her debut in the home match against Excelsior Barendrecht (2-0).

Squad number

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Isa Kardinaal

Players Statistics ?? "".ToLower()

Goal attempts conversion

0% Goal attempts conversion

Defensive head-to-heads won

68% Defensive head-to-heads won

Offensive head-to-heads won

25% Offensive head-to-heads won

Arrived passings

84% Arrived passings

Player Statistics ?? "".ToLower()

About Isa

Position Defender
Born 3/31/2005
Length cm
Nationality Nederlandse
Played games 19
In starting lineup 19
Brought on 0
Taken off 1
Under contract since 7/1/2022

News items


In pictures | Ajax focus on season finale

The last Eredivisie match of the season is just around the corner. Ajax will play an away game against Vitesse on Sunday at 14:30. John van 't Schip's team completed their final training session on Saturday in preparation for the match in Arnhem.





On the road with the Setford brothers: 'He was the bossy one'

For an Inside Ajax item, Charlie and Tommy Setford go back to the football club where everything started: SV BSM. The smiley brothers spent a lot of time at the club in Bennebroek and stirred up old memories at the old nest. "Our dad played a huge role."


  • #Setford


Isa's Teammates