Future Goals schools project officially gets underway in Curaçao

Futuregoals 1
Futuregoals 1

Full classrooms, happy faces and youngsters playing sport in the Caribbean summer sun. The football initiative known as the Future Goals project, supported by Sandals Resorts and Ajax, got underway last week in Curaçao.


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The project was launched last May, when Ajax were visiting the island along with the whole squad. That's when it all got going. Steven Berghuis, Edson Álvarez and Jurriën Timber, among others, were kicking a ball around a school yard on the island

Over the past two weeks, several Ajax coaches were again visiting Curaçao, to deliver the first lessons at the schools and to train Future Coaches. These Future Coaches, young locals, will deliver the programme at the schools.

Ajax launched the partnership with Sandals Resorts last spring, which will see them donate fourteen adidas balls and goalposts to all primary schools on Curaçao. The goalposts are made on the island using fishing nets from the ocean and plastic waste. Future Goals is an initiative encouraging youngsters to play football while making use of sustainably produced materials. The programme lasts eight weeks at each school and uses the power of football to teach youngsters sports and social skills. Particular attention is paid to the importance of looking after the island as well as the people around you. 


The youngsters on the island really appeared to enjoy the initial lessons in the programme. With the classroom part complete, students went out onto the sports field and soon got to work with the adidas balls donated by Ajax and Sandals Resorts.

Street football player  Rocky Hehakaija was also there, sharing her skills. She founded the Favela Street foundation. This foundation selected all the Future Coaches taking part in this project. A football tournament will follow in the autumn, rounding off the project. This will see all participating schools on the island competing against one other in the Future Goals League.

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