Isa Kardinaal

Isa is born in Amsterdam and played for FC Buitenveldert. On November 21, 2021, the defender made her debut in the home match against Excelsior Barendrecht (2-0).

Squad number

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Isa Kardinaal

Players Statistics ?? "".ToLower()

Goal attempts conversion

0% Goal attempts conversion

Defensive head-to-heads won

68% Defensive head-to-heads won

Offensive head-to-heads won

25% Offensive head-to-heads won

Arrived passings

84% Arrived passings

Player Statistics ?? "".ToLower()

About Isa

Position Defender
Born 3/31/2005
Length cm
Nationality Nederlandse
Played games 20
In starting lineup 20
Brought on 0
Taken off 1
Under contract since 7/1/2022

News items


Unique documentary about Ajax Women premieres on Friday

A unique season for the Ajax Women calls for a unique documentary. From the very first minute, all doors were opened at the Ajax Women during their adventure in the UEFA Women's Champions League. In what turned out to be a fantastic season, records were broken, and history was made. It was in that season that Ajax got 'all access' to the women's team. 'From her story to History' premieres on Friday evening, May 24th, on our own channels.


  • #AjaxWomen



Ajax Women win the Dutch Cup

The Ajax Women have won the Dutch Cup for the sixth time in the club's history. In the Koning Willem II Stadium in Tilburg, the Amsterdam team made the difference in the second half against Fortuna Sittard, winning 3-1. Nadine Noordam, Rosa van Gool, and Bente Jansen scored the goals.


  • #AjaxWomen



Highlights Vitesse - Ajax | Berghuis saves a point

A tricky season is now over following Vitesse - Ajax. Arnhem saw the Amsterdam team draw for the eleventh time in the Eredivisie. The score was 2-2 against Vitesse who were already relegated. In the very final closing moments, Steven Berghuis avoided Ajax losing a point.




Isa's Teammates